Christy Maksoudian

Optimizing nanocarrier uptake in tumors for the improved immunotherapy of cancers
Christy’s research will focus on the use of different therapeutic nanomaterials (NMs) and their interaction with the immune system in view of cancer therapy. Combinations of NMs and clinically approved immunotherapy regimens will be tested to look for synergistic effects. Additionally, the effect of the NMs on immune cells (neutrophils/macrophages) associated with cancer development will be evaluated as well as the ability of some NMs to specifically affect tumor-associated macrophages in view of improved therapy.
Promotor: Prof. Stefaan Soenen
Co-promotor: Dr. Bella Manshian
List of Publications
Izci M, Maksoudian C., Manshian BB, Soenen SJ. (2020) The Use of Alternative Strategies for Enhanced Nanoparticle Delivery to Solid Tumors, Chemical Reviews.
Maksoudian C, Saffarzadeh N, Hesemans E, Dekoning N, Buttiens K, Role of inorganic nanoparticle degradation in cancer therapy (2020), Nanoscale Advances
Maksoudian C, Soenen SJ, Susumu K, Oh E, Medintz IL, Manshian BB (2020), A Multiparametric Evaluation of Quantum Dot Size and Surface-Grafted Peptide Density on Cellular Uptake and Cytotoxicity, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 31, 1077-1087